


Stress and anxiety are everywhere in our society and if not dealt with can cause real health problems i.e. back complaints, stomach problems, migraines, depression etc. There are even links suggested between stressful lifestyle and diabetes. Relaxation exercises, and other stress management techniques will help you not only to combat stress and cope with it but ultimately, and far more importantly, to prevent it in the first place.

Stress management and anxiety are two of the main reasons for people coming for hypnotherapy. An important point to note is that many of the other people who come for hypnotherapy for issues such as insomnia, nail biting, stopping smoking and weight loss will report stress and anxiety as playing a part in the problem or habit.

Hypnosis can incorporate lots of different therapeutic models to help you deal with the presenting stress but also to help you avoid developing high underlying stress levels.

It can help unconscious learning and by teaching you relaxation techniques and exercises it can enable you to develop natural responses i.e. a relaxation reflex as opposed to a stress reflex.

It can also help with positive thinking and assertiveness. By understanding stress and your body's reaction to it, you can start to create new positive reactions which become a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Basically, the better you feel about your ability to cope with stressful situations, the better you will in fact cope with them. Hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for stress symptoms such as insomnia, muscle tension, rushing, worrying etc but is also a great approach to dealing with stress and anxiety before they even happen.